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The Lair
The Authoress


name: Ehren Hatten
designation: The Grand High Priestess of Harry Potter Doujinshi
age: 20
height: 5' 10"
sign/house: Libra/Gryffindor
Gryffindor Libras will be a little bit more circumspect than other members of their House; the Gryffindor tendency to act first and think second will be moderated by the Libra tendency to weigh all options carefully before making a decision. Emphasized to an extreme will be the Gryffindor obsession with justice. Libras are the natural judges, lawyers, and police of the Zodiac, often more concerned with what is fair and just for all than what is merciful for the few. Expect a Gryffindor born under this sign to be an outspoken defender of underdogs, and to stand up for their beliefs more vociferously than the average Libra (Libras are usually too polite to say something that might risk offending other people). All Libras have the potential to become Aurors, because of the strong drive for justice, but the Gryffindor courage makes people of this sun sign who were sorted into this House more likely to become Aurors than people of other signs and Houses.
If you want to see what you are, then go here. http://www.spenecial.com/birdsofafeather/astrology.htm
favorite fanfic authors: Firbolt909, Ashwinder, Galya, Ariana Black, Piano-Rock, Jiffer, Haley J. the Bat
written: Harry Potter, Astra Knight and the Phoenix Order Times
Harry Potter, Astra Knight and the Soul Reaver's Light
Harry Potter, Astra Knight and the Omega Time
To Have and To Hold
Harriet and the Chronos Stone

